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嫉妒(Jealousy)V0.9精翻汉化高压完结版【PC+安卓】+全CG(嫉妒 Jealousy V09)

作者: admin 时间: 2023-02-02 21:52:26 人气: 1336


  • 1、与普鲁斯特一起研究爱情的嫉妒Jealousy
  • 2、帕丽斯·希尔顿唱的jealousy(嫉妒)的中文歌词.
  • 3、Jealousy (嫉妒) is a horrible...


“这个世界什么都古老,唯有爱情永远年轻” ——艾青。

但爱情太复杂了,充满着各种成分:爱恋、忐忑、期待、愉悦,又不乏伤心、欲望、占有等等……企鹅Vintage Minis系列,由编辑们精选一些关键词如Jealousy、Love、Desire、Hope 等作为一本书的主题,从众多名著中摘选精华内容去诠释这个关键词。


“Can we truly know the one we love? In this painfully candid book Marcel Proust looks straight into the green eye f every lover’s jealous struggle. He broods on why we are driven to try possess one another, how jealousy can outlive death, and whether we can ever reclaim those careless days of first love. There is no greater chronicler of jealousy’s darkest fears and destructive suspicions than Proust.”


Albertine, 普鲁斯特笔下的女主角。当她睡着的时候,普鲁斯特有一种完全拥有她的感觉,这是在她醒着的时候,完全不曾有过的;而且在她睡着时,普鲁斯特被她的睡容深深吸引住了。

I had an impression of possessing her entirely which I never had when she was awake.(我有一种完全拥有她之感,这种感觉在她醒着的时候不曾有过。)

I listened to this murmuring, mysterious emanation, soft as a sea breeze, magical as a gleam of moonlight, that was her sleep. (我听着她在睡梦中喃喃细语,神秘之感的散发,像海风一样轻柔,像月光柔光的神奇,那是她在睡梦中所散发的魅力。)

What I felt then was a love as pure, as immaterial, as mysterious, as if I had been in the presence of those inanimate creatures which are beauties of nature. (我当下之感是,如爱恋般纯净,非物化的,神秘的,就像站在无生命的自然之美的当下。)


I felt at such moments that I had possessed her more competely, like an unconscious and unresisting object of dumb nature. (有那么一瞬间,我似乎完完全全地拥有她,像一种无意识的,无法抵抗的出于本能的傻乎乎的本质。)


After this I would never allow a member of my family, by calling me “Darling”, to rob of their precious uniqueness the delicious words that Albertine uttered to me. (在此之后,我再也不让我家族里的任何一员喊我“亲爱的”,夺走了Albertine赋予这词的甜蜜和独特。)

贰 爱的组成

然而,爱在普鲁斯特眼中是一种极其复杂的东西。 (Such a love is made of very different stuff! p14)


and it was for this reason that my love could not be lasting unless it remained unhappy for by definition it did not satisfy the need for mystery. (如果是以此为理由,我的爱将不会持久,除非它能一直保持不开心,因为如此根据定义,因为它不符合保持神秘的需求。)


It is precisely because this tenderness has been necessary to give birth to pain. (恰恰是因为这种温柔滋生的痛苦。)

I had already detected the unknown, restive, desperate, uncontrollable desire. (我已经察觉了这种莫名的,不安分的,绝望的,超越控制的欲望。)

It is such people more than any others who inspire love in us, to our desolation. (比起其他人,他们能够在我们心中激发爱至忧伤。)


Our love is function of our sorrow, that our love perhaps is our sorrow.(我们的爱就是我们悲伤的启动器,也许我们爱就是悲伤。)


I had already detected the unknown, restive, desperate, uncontrollable desire. (我已经察觉了这种莫名的,不安分的,绝望的,超越控制的欲望。)

叁 男人女人


But with a woman who has continued for some time to assure us that we are everything in the world to her, without being herself everything in the world to us, a woman whom we enjoy seeing, kissing, taking on our knee, we are astonished if we merely sense from a sudden resistance that she is not our disposal. (女人会不断地向我们表达——我们对于她而言是整个世界。而我们却不需要她成为我们世界的全部,我们就是喜欢经常看到她的身影,喜欢亲吻她,喜欢她坐在自己大腿上。但我们也会感到非常的诧异,在某一瞬间感受到“她不是我们的玩物”的反抗。)


a man may give his fortune and even his life for a woman, and yet know quite well that in ten years’ time, more or less, he would refuse her the fortune, prefer to keep his life. (P48)



It’s not so much to a person that we sacrifice our life as to everything of ours that may have become attached to that person, all those hours and days, all those things compared with which life we have not lived, (为了一个人,将自己所有的一切都和那个人关联起来,全部的时间,牺牲了我们未曾活过的生活,对于那个人而言却不是那么的重要……)

肆 爱情的副产品


Suffering when we are in love, cease from time to time, but only to resume in a different form. (在一段恋爱中,痛苦虽然会时不时消停,但不过是换种形式的继续而已。)

Jealousy is moreover a demon that cannot be exorcised, but constantly reappears in new incarnations.(嫉妒是一个难以驱除的恶魔,时不时用新的化身再次出现。)


indeed we should be terrified of beginning to love again if a new separation were to occur. (当我们开始一段新的恋情时又该担心受怕了,因为这意味着新的分离又将发生。)

I must choose to cease from suffering or to cease from loving. (我必须选择停止痛苦,或者选择停止爱她。)

Love, in the pain of anxiety as in the bliss of desire, is a demand for a whole. (爱情,在焦虑的痛苦中,一些零丁的欲望,是全部的所求。)

And this would be easy if we were capable of never hating, of always loving. (如果我们能够永远不去憎恨,或许爱情就会轻易多了。)


we ought not to fear in love, as in everyday life, the future alone, but even the past, which often comes to life for us only when the future has come and gone- and not only the past which we discover after the event but the past which we have long kept stored within ourselves and suddenly learn how to interpret.

“在爱情中,我们不应该有所恐惧,不管是在每天的生活,未来的日子,甚至是过去,爱情通常会降临到生活中找到我们,在未来即将来临和逝去之时,不仅是我们发现的过去,还有在我们内心尘封已久的过去,突然之间学会了如何解释。 ”



Jealousy 这本书并没有让我全程聚焦在“嫉妒”二字,因为这个词实在无法脱离爱情单独而言,这本书给我带来最大感受是一种朦胧感,一种基于真实生活的情景描绘与作者心中所想,文字在两者之间的游离, 还有更多的是倾听普鲁斯特对于 Jealousy 的定义和诠释,还有那些值得玩味对爱情的探讨语句,犹如品一杯好茶,值得细细品味。

Jealousy 这本书的阅读时长真的挺久的,第一次接触这种意识流派的作品,就是跟着Proust的思维在走,比较跳跃,句子基本上很长,而且又是节选,之前也没读过原著,缺了前后的篇章,理解起来真的比较困难(不知道喝了多少杯咖啡了)。阅读的时候看到有很多非常有意思的单句,很多都是无法一下子能直接get到意思,读个2、3遍才能根据自己对这种事务和情景理解大意后再去解读句子……也许若干年后再读会有新的领悟和解读呢,不过不得不说普鲁斯特描述痛苦的笔触实在让人惊叹,对世间的洞察实在太精准了,在阅读时就会一遍发出“对,就是这样”的认同,写到爱情所带来的痛苦又直入心扉……阅读Proust的作品对读者也是极大考验,没有耐心和深入思考,就很难进入作者的世界了。2019年4月6日完成阅读笔记,这本书的阅读旅程暂告一段落。

原著 In Search of Lost Time 简介



thought you were my best friend 我曾经以为你是我最好的朋友

I felt we‘d be together ‘til the end 预感我们会一直在一起

You‘re not the girl I once knew 你不再是我认识的那个女孩

Tell me where she is ‘cause she‘s not you 告诉我以前的你在哪里 因为现在这个人不是你

You used to be that shoulder

That shoulder I could lean on through it all 你曾经是我生活中可以依靠的肩膀

But now it‘s getting colder 但现在关系却慢慢变冷

There‘s no love between these walls 误会的墙隔开了我们的友谊

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒

It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you 看着你(嫉妒 )我才发现你是多么地邪恶

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒

Nobody wins when you‘re full of envy 当嫉妒充满内心 没有人是赢家

La, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

I was always happy 我曾经一直快乐

When I was watchin‘ you become a star 当我看着你向着星路迈进

But you were only happy

When the world was openin‘ up my scars 但你却只有当我碰到挫折的时候才高兴

And now I‘m like the devil 现在我也好像个魔鬼

Well if I am then what does that make you 如果接下来我也会成为你现在这样

You sold yourself for your fame 你为了出名出卖你的灵魂

You‘d still never walk a day in my shoes 你不会再有一天能穿着我的鞋子出门(指过平常人的生活)

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒

It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you 看着你(嫉妒 )我才发现你是多么地邪恶

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy 嫉妒

Nobody wins when you‘re full of envy 当嫉妒充满内心 没有人是赢家

La, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la


Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy

It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy

It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy

It‘s such an evil thing to watch someone like you

Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy

Nobody wins when you‘re full of envy

La, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Jealousy (嫉妒) is a horrible...

【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】B 【小题3】A 【小题4】C 【答案解析】试题分析:嫉妒心理其实是对自己的不自信造成的,这里的方法教你消灭你来自你心理的嫉妒。【小题1】细节题:从文章第一段的句子:Jealousy (嫉妒) is a horrible feeling that weeds its way into your life and relationships before you know it.可知嫉妒是一种你不注意就进入灵魂的情感,所以选B 【小题2】细节题:从文章最后一段的句子:Appreciate that others can do what you can’t. How boring would life be if everyone was the same? What if the entire population of your city was applying for your job, and they all had the same qualifications? Appreciate that everyone is different.可知我们应该感激别人能做我们不能做的事情,因为世界上的事情是各种各样的,选B 【小题3】细节题:从文章第二段的句子:If your coworker gets the promotion you wanted, it doesn’t mean you haven’t done great work.可知当你的同事得到你想得到的晋升的时候,你会嫉妒,选A 【小题4】主旨题:从全文的内容和第一段的句子:It might seem like an uncontrollable emotion, but it’s truly not!嫉妒是可以控制的,可知这篇文章讲的是嫉妒的时候,我们该怎么做,选C 考点:考查日常生活类短文

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